An attempt is being made to rebrand York for the summer - updating its appeal as one of the country's leading visitor destinations.

Gillian Cruddas: Looking for fresh ways to present the city

First Stop York, the public-private tourism partnership, has called on the public to help to present an image that combines the city's 2000 years of history with its forward-looking spirit.

Gillian Cruddas, chief executive of York Tourism Bureau, said: "York attracts millions of visitors a year, but the leisure travel market is hugely competitive and it is important that we are constantly looking for ways to present the city in fresh, appealing and imaginative ways."

The new branding would not veer from the old marketing of York as England's best historic city, with its beauty and remarkable Roman, Viking, medieval, Tudor, Georgian and Victorian legacy, said Mrs Cruddas.

"However, shopping and leisure are fast catching up as reasons for choosing York, and the First Stop partners who represent all facets of the city's tourism industry have agreed that we need to reflect this more effectively in our marketing drive," she said.

The presence of first-class shopping such as Mulberry Hall or Borders, leisure offerings like the new City Screen and excellent restaurants and pubs and special events like February's Jorvik Viking Festival and September's Food and Drink Festival are attracting those who may not normally consider a visit to a heritage city," he said.

The Hare Carding Communi-cations Group, which specialises in leisure, travel and tourism marketing, has been commissioned to come up with ideas for a fresh new brand which would reflect the York of 2000 as well as the past of two millennia.

But Mrs Cruddas wants public input. "The more ideas we can gather at this early stage and feed into the final results the better. We are keen to hear from everyone - businesses, residents and visitors - about how they would like to see York portrayed and what makes the city so special."

Any ideas or comments should be sent to her at 20 George Hudson Street, York, YO1 6WR, by phone at 01904 554455, or e-mail her at

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.