WILL Shipton Street School be closed? Is such a final step really necessary?

In the 1980s my two young children attended this infant school and spent the early, very important and informative years of their lives there - happily!

There was always a kind and sympathetic atmosphere in the school - one which influenced and helped young children to become more caring, responsible adults.

I read in the Evening Press that the threatened closure of Shipton Street was because there were fewer children in the neighbourhood requiring places; therefore there was a drop in the number of children wishing to attend the school.

What seems odd, considering that one of New Labour's election promises on education was to reduce the number of children per class, is that now when it seems an opportunity to do so is presented locally, the majority of the Labour Council in York wish not to do so.

Why? Is it because of bad economic management? Closing the school and selling the property would of course help reduce the council's unwisely accumulated deficit.

Laurence Burt,

Marygate, York.
