DRINKERS in and around York can from today take advantage of longer opening hours in more than a dozen watering holes.

Extended licences have been granted to 18 pubs and bars to allow them to open until midnight on Mondays to Saturdays and 11pm on Sundays as part of York's Millennium celebrations.

Landlords and police believe the move could help reduce late-night disorder and actually lead to people getting less drunk.

"I think it's good news for everyone," said Pete Brownsword, manager of Merlins and McMillans, two of the bars to be granted the later licence.

"I'm a great believer that if people have more time to drink, they will take it easier.

"At the moment everyone stays until time is called and then all pile out together, but under this new system they will drift in and out in stages."

The later licences were agreed at the licensing session of York magistrates after North Yorkshire police decided not to oppose the applications.

Superintendent John Lacy, of York police, said: "We agreed that with deregulation of opening hours just round the corner, we wouldn't object. It will give us the opportunity to look at what the effect of deregulation would be."

He said the Government had suggested the idea to licensing sessions across the country to celebrate Millennium year.

North Yorkshire MP John Grogan, who sits on the all-party Parliamentary beer group, welcomed news of the experiment.

He said: "I think this will be good news not just for the people of York but for tourists to the city as well.

"Many visitors from other countries just can't understand why they can't get a drink in the late evening like they can at home."

Mr Grogan said the Government wanted to reform licensing laws nationally.

"The eyes of the nation and the Home Office will be on this experiment in York."

The extended licences will be valid until August 28.

The pubs involved are:

King's Arms, King's Staith

Megabowl, Clifton Moor

McMillans and Merlins, Rougier Street

Bay Horse, Blossom Street

Magnet Hotel, Osbaldwick

Little John, Castlegate

Fulford Arms, Fulford Road

Golden Ball, Bishophill

Royal Oak, Goodramgate

The Cygnet, Price Street

Burton Stone Inn, Clifton

Flag and Whistle, Huntington

Beagle, Foxwood

The Woolpack Hotel, Fawcett Street

Bay Horse, Murton

Greyhound, Dunnington

The Lowther, Cumberland Street