GOLFERS are getting a birdie with a difference on a York golf course.

A young family of great tits have made their home in an upturned pipe sticking out of the fairway.

To leave the nest, the fledglings will need to develop the strength to launch themselves vertically three feet to its exit.

The unusual nesting place was discovered by keen photographer and St Peter's School teacher Dave Morris.

He said: "One of the people I was playing golf with was looking for his lost ball when he heard what sounded like bird noises coming from a pipe in the ground.

"Knowing I am a keen birdwatcher and photographer, he called me over. I peered down the pipe but was unable to see anything, and I thought it would be impossible for a bird to fly vertically down it to feed babies."

But he pointed his Canon Eos 5000 camera and, with the use of its flash, captured these images.

Mr Morris said: "The chicks must have thought their parent was coming back to feed them because they were facing up expectantly - which apparently is hard to capture.

"I am delighted with the result because I really didn't expect to get anything from it."

The name of the golf course has been withheld to avoid disturbance to the nest.

picture- ALL IN ONE: A view from above of the great tits' nest showing the young birds tightly crammed in