C. WILSON (no relation to me) complains about the fact that York does not have a bus station (Bus lanes clog traffic, June 21).

Without a doubt bus stations do give confidence to the user as signs clearly state the destination of the bus, and if you do get on the wrong bus coming into town you can be assured that at least you will arrive at the bus station and can easily re-route to your destination.

When I moved to Acomb last year from Haxby, I went through a period of getting used to the various buses that serve this area and wished at that time I could have had a route map like the ones used with the London Underground. This type of map can easily be understood by everybody and is particularly useful for strangers to the area.

Getting back to the bus station, or rather lack of it, I know a site would be difficult to find in York but what about St George's Field ? This is a very big site with good paths and walkways to it, a little out of the centre of York but then there is nothing in the centre of any size suitable that could be considered.

It is good that City of York Council's local transport survey has got us all thinking about this issue. Maybe the Press will stimulate debate.

Stuart Wilson,

Vesper Drive,

Acomb, York.