I find it distressing to hear that yet another pool in York may be under threat of closure (Bus park and swim pool may be closed, June 26).

Our family belongs to a club which uses St John's swimming pool each Sunday morning. It is a lovely pool; small enough to be friendly and beautifully warm. It is particularly good for young children - our eldest daughter has just learnt to swim in the pool.

I know that the college is undergoing major changes at the moment and that much of this must be driven by financial necessity. However, I do feel that it should not lose sight of the value of the pool to the health and well-being of the students, staff and local community.

The pool does not occupy a large site and I am sure that there are many people who are willing to contribute to the upkeep of the pool by continuing to use this excellent facility.

Sarah Woolven,

Emerald Street, York.

Picture - This picture from the Evening Press files shows the St John's pool when it was opened in 1969, at a cost of £40,000. At the time, the college had approximately 140 male students of physical education, and hoped "some use by organised groups from outside" would be possible in and out of term time. Now the pool is threatened with closure.