WHAT a wonderful welcome we ex-Ryedale residents have been given since we were forcibly joined to the city of York. We knew that the city council did not like us or want us. Now they have made plain how they value us.

Some time ago the council carried out a 'survey' of York residents as to the best place for a Park and Ride facility north of the city.

Temporarily, we had been using the Warner Cinema car park which was easy to access and did not interfere with traffic flows.

It was a foregone conclusion which site would be chosen, regardless of the alleged consultation - the site which the council already owned. They planned also to include a picnic area.

For various reasons I have seldom used the new facility. Recently, however, I did so. The wind was in the west - the prevailing direction. I had known the site was near to the sewage works, but I had not fully realised what that meant.

Now I know just what the city councillors think we are worth. I wondered if a picnic site had been included, but could not hold my breath long enough to look. I am only glad I did not need to use the park during the recent heat-wave.

When I returned for my car, it was difficult to get onto the A19 again because traffic tailed back from the ring road roundabout. It was obvious from the start that the site should not lead directly off a very busy trunk road, but such considerations clearly did not affect decisions made by councillors who will never need - or want - to go near the area.

So thank you very much, City of York Council.

P A Crowson,

York Road,

Haxby, York.