CHANGES to plans for the area around York's new Millennium bridge were being put under the microscope by planning councillors today.

In a report to councillors, planning officer Roger Armistead says the York Millennium Bridge Trust wanted to amend previously-agreed plans by the side of the river in the New Walk and Terry Avenue areas.

The proposals include:

* Reducing the number of seats at the western side of the Blue Bridge from three to one

* The position of the northern deck and associated paving to be moved to avoid the roots of trees at Terry Avenue

* The gate to the deck at the entrance to Rowntree Park to be omitted

* Lighting of Well House to be omitted and the seat next to it moved

* The new York stone paving on the path at the back of Well House to be omitted.

* The coppicing of trees within the Clementhorpe Bank City Wildlife Site to be omitted.