HAVING read the heartbreaking and harrowing story of the abduction and murder of little Sarah Payne, I would like to state the case for bringing back the death sentence in cases of this type of brutality.

There cannot be a right-minded person in Britain today who would not gladly push any button or flick any switch in order to open the door to hell for a sub-human of the type who could inflict this agony on a helpless child.

When, and if, this man is caught and convicted of this dreadful crime, is it really sufficient to condemn him to prison, where he will no doubt start the usual action to have the sentence overturned, or even go through the mis-named Court of Human Rights, which always seem to come down on the side of the criminal?

Many years ago, Myra Hindley committed terrible crimes: she must have cost the country millions to keep her comfortable and healthy. Sarah's killer will be awarded the same kind of consideration. Enough is enough. Let the law insist on cold-blooded murderers being hanged for their crimes.

Heather Causnett,

Escrick Park Gardens, Escrick.