AT the public meeting held on July 20, the residents and staff of Woodlands Respite Centre stated clearly their deep concerns about the leisure centre which Next Generation Clubs Ltd wish to build next to them.

As reported in the Evening Press the next day, Norrie McLeod, of Next Generation, has responded to the concerns by grumbling " seems the only development that would satisfy them is none at all".

Is that so wrong? All of us at the meeting were told that peace and quiet are vital to the well-being of the MS sufferers at the centre. Short of buying a remote Scottish island, the management of Woodlands did all they could to ensure those conditions for their residents when they selected their site.

Was it so unreasonable for them to believe that college playing fields in a residential area would stay that way and that they would not one day have a huge commercial concern built outside their windows?

Norrie McLeod initially claimed that noise from people playing sport at the centre would not be a problem. Later, however, he admitted that regular private functions (probably at least once a week) would not be so quiet. Yet the revised plans place the car park just a few yards from Woodlands.

Yes, you're quite right Mr McLeod, how very unreasonable to object to something just because it's going to make your life a misery.

Jane Duke,

Windmill Lane, York.