BUSINESS at Suomi Print and Design is set for a lift with the delivery of the latest state-of-the-art technology.

As the first commercial user of the Apple Mac computer in UK printing 15 years ago, the firm, based at Clifton Moor, York, has just splashed out on the cutting edge Digital Purup - Eskofet DPX CTP system - which cuts out the use of bromides and film, reduces waste and improves production.

The cost savings created by the system, which costs around £40,000, will help Suomi to offer competitive prices in York and across the UK.

Michael Stampfer, managing director, said: "The system allows us to maintain and indeed increase our competitiveness. Jobs are going to be so much cheaper and these savings will be passed on to our customers."

A window was removed from Suomi's base in Lysander Close, so the bulky system could be lifted in.

PICTURE: Hooray and up she rises: Yorkon's operations manager David Johnson, centre, and year ten Salt Grammar pupils Cheryl Thompson and Ben Clough survey site plans as one of the final steel-framed modules is craned into position