Animal rights campaigners angered at "cruel" slaughterhouse practices were today protesting in York.

Activists are accusing the slaughter industry of causing unnecessary suffering to many pigs, sheep, cattle and poultry by failing to stun animals properly before death.

They took their protest to the Peasholme Green headquarters of the Meat Hygiene Service (MHS) to act out the slaughter of a pantomime pig as part of a national demonstration.

But the MHS today hit back, saying they "totally refuted" the activists' charges.

Animal charity Viva!, which is behind today's demonstrations, say their expose of the UK meat industry reveals that many animals regain consciousness before they die.

They say slaughterhouses pay workers according to the number of animals killed and worker and inspectors are under pressure to keep numbers high whatever the needs of the animals.

But Jane Downes acting MHS director of veterinary services, said that a recent survey of 514 slaughterhouses showed that many had animal welfare standards higher than those required by law

She challenged Viva! to justify their statistics.

"Our vets are enforcement officers, but they are also fully qualified vets and to suggest that they routinely stand and watch animals suffering is absurd and insulting," she said.