Film-makers in York are producing a documentary about different styles of worship in the 21st century.

They have filmed a family service at St Paul's Church, Holgate Road, York, featuring the debut performance of Don't Fret - the church's own contemporary Christian music band; a confirmation service led by an Anglican bishop at Sheriff Hutton parish church; and Buddhists worshipping at Kilnwick Percy, near Pocklington.

The 40-minute documentary, called Saying Their Prayers, will also feature Hindus worshipping in Bradford. It is due to be screened later this year.

The film is being made at the Old Dairy Studio in York College's Ashfield Annexe, by the Yorkshire Media Consortium with sponsorship via the National Lottery, from the Arts For Everyone campaign.

The documentary is being directed by Binny Baker, who told the Evening Press: "We are making a collection of films about life in Yorkshire in the year 2000.

"We are not commenting on what people are doing, we are not criticising, we are just trying to be as objective as possible."

Other films in the series feature the confectionery firms Nestl Rowntree and Terry's; architecture; winter in the seaside resort of Scarborough; and a choir for people with learning disabilities.

Binny said their film, Chocolate Familes, received enthusiastic reviews at an international film festival held in Leeds recently.