I AM very disappointed at the view expressed in your leader (October 24) which questioned the viability of the rising bollard in Stonebow. The bollard does work, it is not unsafe and should be encouraged.

It is, and will continue to be, necessary to stop the minority of motorists who persist in ignoring the rules obeyed by most responsible citizens.

That you should seek to defend the actions of such irresponsible drivers is unacceptable.

In Cambridge, where a similar bollard has been working successfully for several years, the council installed a CCTV camera to record the site.

This showed that it was the errant motorist was the real hazard when the installation was claimed to have "failed".

I am sure this will prove to be the case in York.

For anyone to claim to have not seen the signs at, and remote from, the bollard is an admission of neglect.

One wonders what else they have failed to notice while in charge of a potentially lethal weapon - their car.

I trust you will take a more considered view in future and support the efforts of the council in enforcing laws that are there to help keep traffic flowing safely.

Graham Tissiman,

Eastfield Avenue,

Haxby, York.

...THE new automatic bollard in Stonebow has received so much bad press over the last few days I should like to speak up in its favour.

For a long time there have been too many car drivers who obviously feel that the restrictions do not apply to them.

On driving towards Stonebow there are numerous signs. If drivers do not see them they are not fit to be on the road.

If, as is more likely the case, they choose to ignore them then they are deliberately breaking the law.

Let's stop treating these drivers like innocent victims and look at them as the lawbreakers they are.

Julie Wilson,

Reighton Avenue, York.

...I HAVE no truck (sorry for the pun) with those who have been caught out by the new Stonebow bollard.

If the truth were told, no traffic other than buses, taxis, cycles and other authorised users have been allowed to travel along the Stonebow, Piccadilly, Coppergate etc between the hours of 8am and 6pm, for quite some number of months, nay years.

So rather than taking up the time of a policeman or a now extinct traffic warden, what better way is there than putting an immovable object in people's way. And if any driver does not notice the myriad of signs that abound on the approach to the Stonebow, then I suggest that they have an eyesight check!

Jeremy Banyard,

Bramham Grove,

Acomb, York.