IF anything could dissuade the council and property developers from excessive building at Coppergate, surely it's the sight of the two rivers in flood.

I'm only a housewife, but have thought from the start that building a triangle of land surrounded by water is asking for trouble.

Shop owners and insurance companies are not going to be interested - if they've any sense.

Pamela Egan,

North Lane,

Malton Road, York.

...YOUR article regarding Coppergate II (Lottery money could revamp Eye of York, October 27) shows divisions being stirred which are unedifying. People should not be put down because of their genuine, caring principles.

Why is it wrong to request Lottery funding towards the Eye of York? Other cities don't have a problem. And should not City Of York Council take responsibility in finding a compromise, thereby acceding to the wishes of most York people?

Mike Cross,

Kensington Court,

Dringhouses, York.

...YOUR illustration of the revised Land Securities disastrous proposal for Clifford's Tower (November 1) says it all.

Philip Crowe,

Chair York Tomorrow,

Stonegate, York.

...YORK Castle will be 1,000 years old in 2068. Wouldn't this be the perfect opportunity to give it the setting it deserves, the one shown in the York Tomorrow group's photomontage of proposals for the Castle car park?

Such a scheme for the improvement and enhancement of an incomparable bit of York's heritage must be a worthy project for Heritage Lottery funding. And what a splendid legacy it would be for the next millennium.

We should tell the council which we prefer - a grassy open space beside the river or a three storey high block of shops and flats.

Alison Sinclair,

Norfolk Street,

Bishopthorpe Road, York.