The Evening Press is giving York City fans a ground-breaking chance to quiz Terry Dolan online.

The York City boss is linking up with the Evening Press to answer fans' questions on our website

Terry will come into our offices in Walmgate on Monday and start posting the replies on our site from 6pm to 7pm.

All you have to do is post your e-mail questions to City reporter Dave Stanford at by noon on Monday.

He will collate the questions and prepare them for Terry to answer.

Then all you need to do is call up and click on the link on the home page which will take you directly to TD's responses.

The new venture will be particularly useful for City fans who live outside the Evening Press circulation area.

It means a City supporter in Australia can get in touch directly the City manager, reflecting the power of the Internet.

Please keep your questions short and to the point, and put your postal address at the foot of your question.Terry will endeavour to answer them all during the allotted hour, but personal replies will also be sent to each questioner.