The NFU has launched its Water-Wise campaign, the first in a series of green initiatives to meet the demands of both farm business and the environment by working in co-operation.

Top of the list is growing concern about increasing demands on water supplies and the threat posed by climate change.

In the first survey of its kind, farmers and growers have demonstrated they regard the resource as the industry's most valuable asset and are tackling these concerns head on.

Reservoirs, ponds, irrigation systems and hi-tech monitoring equipment are now core investment for many farms in an effort to beat the unpredictable weather, according to a survey published by the National Farmers' Union.

A survey of 1,000 farmers has been conducted as a part of a unique alliance with the Environment Agency and green groups including WWF and RSPB

It found:

* Nearly two-thirds now use water more efficiently than five years ago

* Almost 70pc have invested in reservoirs or storage facilities

* 80pc test soil moisture to ensure irrigation water is not wasted

* Nearly 40pc collect rainwater or recycle it for use on the farm

* More than 80pc have taken steps to conserve wetland habitats on their farms last five years

NFU President Ben Gill said: "Despite the pressures on investment, farmers have made huge strides to ensure they are making the most efficient use of supplies.

The NFU is also calling on other water users to take a closer look at how they too can use water more wisely, particularly in light of the increasing demands being placed on water suppliers and the erratic weather which many result from climate change.

Agriculture and horticulture uses less than 5pc of the nation's supply for its animals, for cleaning produce and animal housing, washing equipment and irrigating crops. More than a half of the total supply is used by homeowners, with the reserves used by industry.

Mr Gill said:" It is hugely important that everyone involved in water use and its conservation understand the demands placed on water supplies and workers together to conserve them."

The NFU is calling on Government to build on the progress made by the industry by backing its Water-Wise initiative, which calls for the support of water efficiency plans and investment on farm, increased access to water saving advice and research and by helping farmers plan for the future.

Ben Gill said:" Water is an irreplaceable resource. Farming has demonstrated it is acutely aware of the demands placed upon it and shown its willingness to do all it can to raise awareness of using water wisely. It is vital Government encourages and supports those willing to work together."