I ask York Tomorrow exactly where the multitude of car drivers that currently use the Castle car park are going to go? There are daily queues onto the main road to get into it.

I do not drive into the centre so this issue would not affect me and I would love to see that area as public space. But please be practical, there are not enough spaces as it is.

I hope the council is not deluding itself and thinking that making it more and more inconvenient for drivers to park in the city will encourage them to get buses and use Park and Ride because it is not going to happen. People love their cars and will endure anything to exercise their right to use them.

Has anyone considered the downside? Tourists are going to be massively put out - they are already clearly irritated by the lack of parking, more inconvenience will only make them think twice about returning to York.

Shoppers are likely to shun the town centre and just use the out-of-town stores. Not what the centre really wants is it? The open space idea is great, but not very well thought out.

Al Fox,

Nunthorpe Road, York.