The details given by Dave Pearson in the article 'OAPs boosted by new scheme' (Evening Press, October 26) are utter rubbish. Here we have another Labour confidence trick aimed at a vulnerable part of society.

At a guess Dave Pearson is probably a fit forty-ish person and well able to make his estimated 156 trips into York each year with ease. But how many pensioners are able to make the three trips a week he recommends?

He intends to take away the free bus tokens and substitute a method where every journey made under his deceptive scheme will cost a pensioner cash from their already disgustingly-low pensions.

My £24-worth of tokens allow me to make - on my particular bus route - 12 journeys a year which just cover my needs to run my life and allows half a dozen to cover emergencies such as hospital appointments.

A further imposition is the restriction to be applied that half-fare travel will only be at off peak times. Those without private transport will again be punished for being less well financially endowed.

The figures he printed will only bamboozle the public. The general policies of New Labour show through - take from those who can least defend themselves.

W Sullivan,

Eastholme Drive,

Rawcliffe, York.