Pat Issitt has been getting people fit for eight years and works

at Courtney's Fitness Centre, Monks Cross, York

QI have a secret desire to run a mile. I feel so envious of joggers who fly past me when I'm just strolling along. Can an unfit person like me ever get started?

AOf course you can. The secret is to build up slowly. First set yourself a distance. If you can happily walk a mile or two then start with that. The first time you set out, walk briskly for four minutes and jog for one minute until you've completed your distance. Do this a couple of times a week for up to a month. Then increase your jogging time to two minutes and decrease your walking time to three minutes. Try to train three times a week like this. After a couple more weeks you should be able to run for three minutes at a time. Gradually start to leave out the walking altogether and you will be able to run the entire mile. Then you can start to increase the distance you run. You'll feel great after you've completed your training session, Keep it up!

If you need some motivation, start with a friend, or go to a club where you'll get lots of advice. Courtney's running club meets at 6.30pm every Monday night.

Beat the bulge

Q Exercise is out for me. I have arthritis in my knees and hips. I've tried aerobics and it just doesn't suit me although I really liked being able to go along with my friends. I'm suffering from middle-age spread, what do you suggest?

A If you like to have fun when you're exercising why don't you have a go at Aquafit? Being in the water means your joints are cushioned and don't suffer the impact of an aerobics class. With a motivating instructor, you will be encouraged to work at your own level so how hard you want to exercise is up to you. Of course when you are in the water, no one can see you, which is great if you feel a little self conscious about your shape.

Waterworld at Monks Cross offers five Aquafit classes throughout the week. For more information, call Waterworld, 01904 642162.

Love 'n' hate

Q Love handles! What can I do about those pads of fat on my hips? And how can I get rid of them for good?

A We are often asked this. Firstly, remember that we inherit our body shape and the way we store fat on the body from our parents. If you have more fat than is healthy and you want to lose some, have a look at your diet. Avoid foods with more than five per cent fat, (read the labels to find out), and increase your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables. You should be doing exercise which raises your heart rate and increases your breathing - moderately puffed out - for at least 20 minutes, four times a week to burn fat. Try power walking, brisk cycling, strong swimming. Some toning work with moderate weights will help to firm the muscles, squats are great for the nether regions. Have your feet hip-distance apart, imagine there is a chair behind you and perform the squat as if you were sitting down on to the chair and standing up again. If you are determined to make a difference, a specially-designed personal programme can be arranged for you at a gym.

n Next week, personal coach Clive Gott sits in The Experts hot seat telling you how to get the most out of your life and career. If you have any query about health, fitness or relationships, write in confidence to: The Experts, Features Department, Evening Press, 76-86 Walmgate, York, YO1 9YN, with your name, address and daytime telephone number, (these details will not be published).

We regret that none of our columnists will be able to reply to individuals.