YOUNG farmers from Yorkshire constructed a towering new landmark (above) on the skyline to help local walkers celebrate the Millennium in style.

The giant 'M' fashioned from straw bales was built to mark the Meridian Line and allow 169 walkers to pass through on an historic journey to celebrate Y2K.

The farmers co-operated with the East Yorkshire Group of the Long Distance Walkers Association to work out the post-harvest route over the stretches not covered by public footpaths or bridleways.

The walkers journeyed along the Meridian Line from its first landfall on the North Sea coast at Tunstall to the banks of the Humber at Sunk Island.

It is hoped this could be the start of more co-operation between landowners and walkers throughout North and East Yorkshire.

Walk organiser John Davis was delighted with the outcome. He said: "The giant 'M' was a dramatic gesture and gave the walkers a tremendous buzz.

"It was a highlight of a memorable day on which walkers responded to the farmers' co-operation and respected the countryside by leaving only footprints and taking only time."