PROGRAMME makers at Yorkshire Television are searching for people in the York area to take part in a series of half-hour documentary programmes concerning sex for the over-40s.

Producers and researchers aim to take an honest and open look at all aspects of sex regarding anyone who is over 40. They are looking for people who have married or re-married to someone considerably younger than themselves and the kind of reactions they had from family and friends.

They also want to talk to people who got to 40 and realised they wanted more, perhaps by embarking on an affair, or by becoming more sexually adventurous as a result of hitting 40.

Also on the agenda is how the ageing process may have affected a couple's sex-life.

"We are looking for women to talk about how they're coping with the menopause or people who have found that medication like Viagra has helped or hindered their sex lives," said one of the researchers.

The series, which is due to be filmed in the New Year, will be shown on Yorkshire Television.

Anyone who would be happy to talk to programme makers in confidence about any issue should contact Jo Maris or Julie Beanland on 0113 222 8719.