RYEDALE residents have been warned to be on their guard against one of the many nasty calling cards left by the floods - rats.

A number of residents have recently reported seeing the vermin, and not in their usual haunts such as farmyards or rubbish dumps, but right in the centre of town.

It is thought that the flooding of drains and sewers has forced the rodents out into the open.

Yvonne Waddell, manageress of the Woolworth store at Malton, said: "Earlier this week I was told by customers that a rat had been seen outside, but they were nowhere near the shop and certainly not inside it.

"I immediately took the appropriate action, by calling the council, and have not heard anything about it since."

The owner of another business in Wheelgate, who asked not to be identified, said: "I haven't seen them personally, but one of my regular customers said they have been spotted in Wheelgate and Castlegate. It is a real concern and I hope this is nipped in the bud before it gets any worse."

A spokesman for Ryedale District Council's Environmental Health Department said that it was impossible to put any sort of estimate on the number of rats in the area, but pest control officers deal with them "all the time."

He said: "They are mainly in the rural areas of Ryedale but we do sometimes get problems in the towns. As is well known, they generally live in the drains, but sometimes do come out and can be spotted in the street.

"It is quite possible that the floods have pushed them out, but to be honest rats are always about. It is a fact of life. The advice we always give is that if you see rats, call us immediately." the spokesman said.