I read with interest the letter from Jane Edwards, parent governor, Hob Moor School, (November 20) which draws comparison between the facilities at Hob Moor School and Copmanthorpe Primary School.

The comments on Copmanthorpe are welcome and appreciated. However, to suggest that Hob Moor has been overlooked while City of York Council funds facilities at other schools such as Copmanthorpe would be to demean the work of the friends group.

There may well be differences but all the facilities referred to are down to substantial fund-raising by parents and the friends group of the school. There has been no input from City of York education authority's finances or from the school budget in the provision of these facilities which in recent years have included a living willow play area, ground landscaping, modern play equipment, security gates, notice boards, bird tables, nesting boxes, books for libraries and a major contribution to a new technology suite.

With regard to the 'purpose built swimming pool,' this was built with contributions from every household in the village about 20 years ago and is now run by a volunteer committee that puts a lot of hard work into maintaining this facility to help the school.

The parents at Copmanthorpe have worked very hard for these facilities and should be proud of what they have achieved.

Tracey Ferguson,


Friends of Copmanthorpe Primary School,

c/o Faber Close,

