A "pretty appalling" hotel and a pub lacking "dignity" have come under fire in this year's annual report by York Civic Trust.

The trust's Millennium report also berates the seats in New Walk, the shade of blue paint used on the Blue Bridge and the "unacceptable" bright pink colouring of the Mary Shortle shop near Bootham Bar.

On the positive side, the clock at Sentinel House and the new Millennium Bridge have received praise - as has the Evening Press What's On column.

One of York's newest additions, the Travelodge in Piccadilly, has attracted severe criticism for blocking "one of the most important views" of York Minster.

The report states: "The hotel ... has totally ignored the view and has spoilt an important introduction to the city from the A19 to the south."

The hotel is described as "pretty appalling" and its attempt to mimic the postern on the walls opposite has been called "deplorable".

Brubakers, in Blossom Street, has also attracted criticism "now the windows have been splashed with paint and advertisements".

The report goes on to say: "The effect has spoilt the dignity of the building and the important approach to the city centre in Blossom Street."

The Coppergate Riverside plan also attracts the wrath of the trust.

"We regard this site as one of not only national but international importance," the report reads.

"We genuinely believe that if this scheme is given the go-ahead in its present form, it will be a monumental disaster and an act of architectural vandalism."

The Civic Trust, with 1,000 members, is seen as the guardian of the city, and administrator Peter Brown explained that the trust "has the interests of York at heart".

"The trust has one all-embracing aim - to preserve and advance the high place York holds among the cities of the world," reads the group's mission statement.

A spokesman for Travelodge said: "We are at a loss to understand the criticisms levelled at the new Travelodge by the York Civic Trust.

"At all stages during the planning and development of the site, we worked closely with interested parties.

"The Travelodge is a 100 per cent improvement on the old petrol station forecourt and collection of dilapidated workshops which previously occupied the site."

The manager at Brubakers was unavailable for comment.

The Evening Press's What's On column was lauded in the report for showing the diversity of pastimes enjoyed by the people of York.
