I was surprised and disappointed at the intemperate language in Chris Titley's column "Hague Shoots His Foot Again" (December 20).

His rudeness also disguised the fact that his column did not contain any facts and he chose to regurgitate sentiments expressed by people who had, like him, either not read what Mr Hague had said, or chose, for their own purposes, to ignore the content of his speech.

Police morale has been affected by the Macpherson report to the detriment of citizens. This is a fact. If individuals cannot articulate such views without being castigated by people like Mr Titley and the media in general, then surely we are now in a fascist era whereby any critic of those in authority is cast as an enemy of the State.

Did not Dr Goebbels use the same techniques?

Mrs J Gambold,

Fir Tree Close,

Earswick, York.