A LOCAL agronomist has been named as one of five regional winners in the agrochemical category of the Agricultural Trade Awards.

He is Chris Rigley, senior agronomist and regional technical advisor for United Agri Products. Based in Welburn, the firm distributes fertiliser and seed.

Mr Rigley, who was delighted to win the award, said: "Apart from the agronomic and technical aspects of my job, a key task at the moment is helping customers to stay buoyant. Farming has been through hard times before - the difference this time is that all sectors are struggling - but it will swing around.

"What we must improve on, however, is our marketing. Our story is as good as anybody else's, but we most stand up and be counted."

This is the second time Mr Rigley has won a regional Agriculture Trade Award, his first win being in 1999.

Updated: 09:33 Thursday, February 01, 2001