ON behalf of York and Ryedale ME Support Group I would like to thank the Evening Press for your help following the tragic death of Carli Barry.

The interviews with Carli's partner, Danny, and friend, Jenny Gilmore were handled sensitively and hopefully will make people more understanding and compassionate towards sufferers.

The impact of ME on people's lives can be devastating and is compounded by other problems such as lack of understanding by some in the medical profession and also benefit issues. Should any reader feel that they would like further information regarding ME, the support group meets informally at the Black Swan, Peasholme Green, York at 7.30pm on the first Wednesday of each month or I can be contacted on 01904 426529.

Lynn Hird,

York and Ryedale ME Support Group,

Mill Lane,



Updated: 12:17 Monday, February 26, 2001