Q I have been a migraine sufferer for years and a friend recommended I try Daoyin Tao - Chinese face neck and shoulder massage as it worked for her. I have not heard of this before, would I get help with my migraines?

A Daoyin Tao (pronounced Dow-yin tow) is a new approach within complementary therapies which is reported to be achieving great success for sufferers of migraine, headache, sinus trouble, along with neck and shoulder tension. It is not classed as a beauty therapy, nor is it comparable to Indian head massage. It is a mixture of ancient Chinese and modern Western massage techniques.

Its creator Anna-Louise Haigh, combined her experience as a clinical aromatherapist and reflexology practitioner, with the knowledge she gained from her many trips to China to create this therapy. The massage techniques used are drawn from those practised in the hospitals throughout China, where it is known to help relieve a wide spectrum of common health problems.

For information on Daoyin Tao contact Anna-Louise Haigh at Lavender Court Complementary Healthcare Centre, Harrogate, telephone 01423 500494.