Thousands of Girl Guides explored the world in a day during a special event at the Great Yorkshire Show ground in Harrogate.

Guides from North Yorkshire were among those who took part in the day-long event which was designed to celebrate international diversity.

On arrival, Guides were given a passport to travel around five continents, which were based in different areas of the showground.

There they got the chance to try out crafts and creative arts, skating, quad bike riding, climbing walls, mock caving and a giant inflatable obstacle course.

When they left each continent they got their passport stamped.

Angie Goddard, North East England chief commissioner, said: "Taking 3,000 girls on such an adventure is no simple task and it has been hard work for the planning committee to coordinate the event."

Ann Slade, North Yorkshire South county commissioner, said the girls had got to meet new friends and meet friends from across the country.

Updated: 10:26 Monday, February 26, 2001