I AM a British foreign correspondent and have just retired following 40 odd years in Rome.

As a northerner, I keep in close contact with my family and friends in Lancashire and Yorkshire.

The other day I pinned a large cutting on the notice board of the Stampa Estera (the government-sponsored association of foreign press correspondents).

It was of the February 27 splash of the Selby and Tadcaster edition of the Evening Press with the title 'Truck theft trio in chase drama', which carried the frequently-seen byline of Matthew Woodcock.

My colleagues of The Times, The Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, Daily Express and The Guardian, and I, much admired this piece and agreed with the reason I had put it on view - "a finely-honed example of young journalism in provincial England: sharp, crisp, concise, spot on". Bravo!

In my day on my own South Lancashire bi-weekly, we chroniclers did not have these qualities at the age of your reporter!

Ronald Singleton,

Largo Oreste Giorgi 10

Roma, Italia.