THE world-renowned Harrogate Spring Flower Show is to go ahead, despite the foot and mouth crisis.

The North of England Horticultural Society, organisers of the 74-year-old event, "have very carefully considered the situation and decided to go ahead".

The show is to be held at the Great Yorkshire Showground in Harrogate, April 26-29.

The showground has had no livestock on the premises in recent months and there is no likelihood of any being introduced in the intervening period or following the event.

"The show is everything horticultural with no livestock," say the organisers.

"We feel we are not in danger of contributing to the present problems."

- Due to the foot and mouth epidemic, the organisers of the Chatsworth Angling Fair may have to cancel or postpone this year's event, due to be held on May 19 and 20.

It is hoped to make a decision by April 28th in order to give the longest time possible for an "all clear" to be sounded by the Ministry.

The organisers would in no circumstances condone any idea at all of allowing the Angling Fair to continue if it could have even the smallest risk of exacerbating the outbreak of foot and mouth.

If the event is postponed, they are presently looking at the weekend of Septembr 8 and 9.

An announcement via the Press will be made on or before April 27.

Andrew Cuthbert reports that a large proportion of the Angling Trade he has already asked would support a move to September 8 and 9, should this be necessary.

He said that, although it would be a major blow to his team if cancellation were to be the only option, his thoughts and prayers go out to those whose predicament is so much worse.

Updated: 12:03 Monday, March 26, 2001