Q I have a knee injury which means I can no longer run. I want to stay fit but I've never liked swimming or cycling. Do you have any advice?

A There are plenty of different forms of exercise out there which might meet your needs but it depends on how severely your knee is injured.

Simple brisk walking is great exercise and I'm sure your local gym will be able to advise you on a fitness program tailored to suit your needs.

I recommend yoga as an all-round beneficial form of exercise which more and more people in York are taking up. Yoga is not just excellent for the body, giving suppleness and strength, it also aids relaxation and improves balance.

It also greatly relaxes the mind and improves breathing control. Yoga is helpful in asthma, emphysema, back pain and other injuries, high blood pressure and many stress-related disorders and it has even been shown in trials to be beneficial for diabetics.

Taken to its full potential yoga is about proper diet, healthy exercise, positive thinking and meditation, really healthy breathing and general all round balanced well being.