AS a pensioner of 72 I have seen many elections. The Conservatives say they intend to reduce taxes, but they spent 18 years putting them up.

Petrol is to be reduced by them but they put it up when they were in power. They said they had no plans to extend VAT and promptly extended it to gas and electricity bills which hit pensioners particularly hard. Gordon Brown reduced the rate to five per cent and gave pensioners a new, generous winter fuel payment.

During their time in power the Conservatives increased VAT from eight per cent to the 17 per cent which is an extra daily burden on everyone.

Tories tell us they intend to help pensioners but they were the people who broke the link with earnings which has since cost pensioners about £30 a week.

The Government has given us low interest rates, low unemployment and cheaper mortgages and has increased spending on public services

If the Conservatives reduce taxes can they really sustain this investment? If they reduce petrol prices, how long before the petrol companies raise them again?

Tony Blair has a lot still to do and should be given the chance to get on with the job.

Dennis Barton,

Acorn Way,


Updated: 10:44 Monday, May 21, 2001