I respond to the report by Richard Edwards about grandparents Mr and Mrs Woodhead celebrating their granddaughter Nadine's christening ('Family raps priest over christening', May 9).

I agree with Mr and Mrs Woodhead that a christening is a very special occasion, especially to the baby's immediate family. But I wondered if they had considered, as we have had to do as grandparents, that as we get older we really don't like to change very much at all.

Unfortunately change is inevitable.

I began to see that children being christened within a service is a privilege for the child and family and also the congregation, as we are a church body sharing a very special occasion together.

The church is not the building, as Christ said. We are the church - that is you, Mr and Mrs Woodhead, me and many others. Your grandchild would be richly rewarded, if my experiences of christenings at All Hallows, Sutton-on-the-Forest, are anything to go by and so also would your church because you had shared your joy with others.

S Howland,

Shaw Crescent,

Huby, York.

Updated: 10:23 Tuesday, May 22, 2001