Political debate has earned a York pupil the title Best Backbencher.

And 16-year-old Jo Hicks has been invited to tea at 10 Downing Street with its next occupant.

Jo, a Fulford School pupil from Wheldrake, won the prize in the Motorola Youth Parliament Competition.

He was one of only four winners across the country after the nation's schools recreated the House of Commons, holding Question Time and a debate on freedom of information.

The debates were filmed and sent to judges, who chose Jo as one of the finest backbenchers.

An award will be given in the House of Lords next month by the leaders of the Britain's three political parties in the House of Commons, followed by a Downing Street tour and tea.

Jo said: "I am really looking forward to it and hopefully I will see some well known politicians when I am there.

"Politics is something that I am very interested in , and I have been for a long time. It is a personal interest though, and not something I want to pursue as a career." John Grogan, Labour candidate for Selby constituency, which includes Fulford, gave the school advice on its entry.

He said: "I could tell that he had the quality of an independent spirit that would make him a fine backbencher.

"He's now more certain to be at the Houses of Parliament next month than I am."

Updated: 16:41 Wednesday, May 23, 2001