COULD this be the first nail in the coffin for the Frog Hall?

The at-risk Layerthorpe pub had its fate sealed today - in the draft of the latest city booze guide.

In the new edition of the York Brewery Overground map, the community pub, threatened with demolition and replacement by a fast food drive through, has been omitted.

All the new wine bars, caf-bars and riverside developments are included, but to the ire of protesters, the Frog Hall is not.

"It is a shame after all that has been said and done to keep the pub open that someone could think it is closed," said campaigner Sue Lacy.

"We have tried to attract publicity to our cause and we have had many, many signatures on our petition. We are most definitely not closed. In fact, we couldn't be more open - the new sun terrace is in place, the music nights are continuing and the pub is as busy as ever and we will continue to fight to keep it that way."

She added that she was looking forward to seeing the pub take pride of place on the map when the final addition is printed.

Other changes are also needed;

- Proposed (York Brewery) needs to change to Centurion Inn

- Lowther Arms to Lowther

- Villers (Cock & Bottle) to Cock & Bottle

The man behind the map, James Somerville at Slaphead Design, said: "When designing the map, I was under the impression that the Frog Hall was closed.

"It obviously isn't, but we thought the demolition was imminent, so it was left off the map.

"But when the map for publication, expected out in June, is designed we will take a snapshot of what pubs are open then. And, of course, the Frog Hall will be included."

Other corrections will also be made when the final print is made.

His company has also done pub guides for Nottingham, Oxford, Cambridge and Hull.

The map will be available from June from the brewery. For advanced orders call 01904 621162.

Updated: 15:54 Friday, May 25, 2001