WHY does Maxine Gordon consider Lindisfarne is the birthplace of Christianity in Britain? (May 19)

Gildas claimed Christianity came to Britain in the latter part of the reign of Tiberius, i.e. before 37AD.

Socrates, Archbishop of York, was martyred under Diocletian.

Publius Discipulus said: "The Church of Avalon in Britain, no other hands than the hands of the disciples of the Lord themselves, built".

The Council of Senna AD1423, the Council of Basle AD1431, St. Gregory of Tours, and Archbishop Haleca of Sargossa all claim the British church was founded by Joseph of Arimathea.

That leaves Lindisfarne a long way down the line.

K Barnes,

North View,

Catterton, Tadcaster.

Updated: 10:53 Friday, May 25, 2001