THIS is the car which is set to take the motor trade by storm.

The new BMW Mini is launched with a fanfare this weekend, and the nippy little motor is already selling like hot cakes.

Local dealer Castle Mini, at Clifton Moor, has been accepting deposits since October on the Oxford-built vehicles and a dozen have already been sold without even being seen.

So a huge launch party with fire-eaters, stilt-walkers and cookery demonstration today and tomorrow should see even more disappearing off the forecourts as the test drives begin.

The 1.6 litre minis have grown since their ancestor starred in the Italian Job and can be picked up for as little as £10,300.

They have a modern, stylish interior and drive "as well as BMWs" according to sales staff.

"These cars are absolutely fantastic," said Alan Beattie, sales manager at Castle Mini.

Updated: 10:22 Saturday, July 07, 2001