IT has been very interesting to read in the Evening Press during the last few weeks about the Coppergate Quarter scheme proposed by Martin Burgess and Eric Jackson.

This is the type of development our council should have been looking for in the first place, and not the massive retail concrete-and-bricks monstrosity proposed by Land Securities.

The Castle Quarter scheme and the Land Securities' Coppergate Riverside scheme have been the topic of conversation in York now since the Press first published the new ideas of Burgess and his team, and I can confirm that most people I speak to are in favour of this new scheme. It fits in well with the historic environment and is, I believe, the design we should accept.

I urge the council to think again about this important area of York. Because the land around Clifford's Tower is owned by the people of York, please give us what we want and act for the people.

Stuart Wilson,

Vesper Drive,



...HOW gratifying to see the recent letters in the Evening Press in favour of the Castle Quarter scheme by Regan Miller Associates. This is the scheme ordinary York citizens have been crying for to improve this prestigious site and one that we can be proud of and enjoy for generations to come.

Celia Maughan,

Hunters Close,



Updated: 10:44 Wednesday, July 25, 2001