A SHOW taking place in Ryedale to make up for cancelled agricultural events this summer is gearing up to be the biggest in the region's farming calendar, claim organisers.

More than 20,000 people are expected to flock to the Farming and Countryside Show, which is being held next month at Pickering's Showfield, bringing in much-needed cash for local businesses.

The one-off event, which takes place on August 21, has already exceeded the expectations of it's main organiser, local businessman Simon Boak.

"The response we have had to the event has been tremendous," said Mr Boak, who runs The Events Office, which is also behind Malton and Pickering's farmers' markets.

"It will be the biggest agricultural show in the region in the absence of other shows which were to have taken place."

And Richard Ashworth, who is co-ordinating the event, has issued an appeal to local people - what would you like to see at the show?

"We've already got lots of attractions for farmers and families, but we would welcome any suggestions," he said.

"If anyone has an idea for a display or a stall or anything else, they can get in touch and we'll see what we can do."

Despite the show not being advertised, it has already attracted major interest.

"We have got some major companies, mostly from the farming industry, coming along," he added.

"Most, like Mercedes and Land Rover, would have had displays at the Great Yorkshire Show, but they will be coming here this year instead.

"There will be stalls by agricultural supply firms there - some are sending stalls from all over the UK.

"This will give local farmers a chance to have face-to-face contact with the people in the industry who can update them on the latest machinery and feeds available."

Although a lot of the show will be given over to business, Richard insists it will be a family day out.

"We have got plenty for everyone, including things for children," he said.

"There will be no livestock on display so we have had to think of alternatives for entertainment.

"In a large area at the show we'll have a falconry display, terrier racing and we've even got sheepdog trial - they'll be rounding up ducks instead of sheep.

"There will be craft and farm produce stalls and this is just the half of it - we are still organising other stalls and events, which will be announced in the near future."

If you would like to suggest a possible event or stall for the Farming and Countryside Show, contact Richard on (01751) 473780.

Updated: 08:56 Thursday, July 26, 2001