THE summer meeting of a York electoral ward will offer a bit of a difference - because the councillors will be doing it "on the hoof".

Bishophill ward councillors Dave Merrett and David Evans will tour the area on foot on Monday, and they hope to be joined by residents and other agencies as they go.

The aim of the meeting is to allow the councillors to get out and about, to see residents on the ground and discuss important issues for the ward.

The council is encouraging residents to meet the duo at a number of locations throughout the evening, and to join in the second part of the meeting, taking place at the Priory Street Centre, at 7.30pm.

Jonathan House, senior neighbourhood co-ordinator, said: "It is important that residents throughout the ward have the opportunity to meet councillors, and the summer ward committee provides the chance to visit specific locations to discuss issues first-hand and on site.

"The route of the walkabout meeting will enable councillors to look at some areas which have specific issues, and discuss plans with residents."

Coun Evans said: "I think this is an excellent idea, getting the council out of the meeting rooms and into the community.

"The council's not about sitting in rooms and discussing things endlessly, it's about getting out and showing people what we are trying to do."

He said the key topics he expected to be talking about were traffic levels, pollution, flooding and facilities for young people. His only worry, he added, was the weather.

"Hopefully, given good conditions, this will be a great opportunity," he added.

"We will be going to the Scarcroft play area to look at what young people are actually wanting there."

Among the other groups joining the walkabout will be the Environment Agency, who will be providing answers on flood defences for the ward.

The meeting will start at 5.15pm at Scarcroft Green, visiting Victoria Bar, Price's Lane, Clementhorpe, and Terry Avenue, before moving on to Rowntree Park, and from there to the Priory Street Centre.

Full details of the route are available from the Citizen's Support Group on York 551037.

Updated: 11:06 Saturday, July 28, 2001