HOW many accidents is it going to take before something is done about the traffic on Beckfield Lane?

Just over a year ago, there was a fatality and three people were seriously injured.

The other day there was a three-car collision at The Green Tree which required a fire engine, an ambulance and police cars to attend.

As I was reading about that accident in the Press, there was another one.

This time only a rear-end shunt, but it could have been much worse.

If someone tested the speeds of drivers on this road without their knowing, I bet more than 80 per cent would be breaking the law.

At night it is much worse. Cars and motorbikes race up and down the road until the early hours of the morning - we can often hear distant squeals as cars break hard to turn around and repeat the game in the other direction.

It's time something was done to reduce speeds on Beckfield Lane.

I don't like speed bumps any more than the next person, but I am so fed up with the prevailing attitude which seems to be that the people responsible will please themselves regardless of the law, and of the wishes of the rest of us. It would be worth a little inconvenience to stop them.

Name and address supplied.

Updated: 10:31 Tuesday, August 07, 2001