RESIDENTS are to be reminded to prepare themselves for the risk of flooding in a new campaign to be launched by the Environment Agency.

The agency is to run a Flood Season Campaign later this month to warn people about the growing risk of flooding this winter.

The campaign launch will be followed later this month with a Flood Fair being organised by North Yorkshire County Council.

This event is aimed at giving residents and businesses information about flooding.

The council's emergency risk management unit will provide help with the "flood preventative, protective and restorative measures now commercially available for domestic, commercial and industrial usage".

The fair will be held on September 29 at the Pavilions at the Great Yorkshire Showground in Harrogate between 10.30am and 4.30pm.

Meanwhile, the agency is warning that September marks the start of the winter flood season.

It says: "Scientists predict that climate change could lead to more frequent floods in future.

"Over 257,000 properties in Yorkshire and the North East are at risk, with many thousands of people working, travelling, or visiting family and friends in areas liable to flood."

Before the memory of last year's dramatic floods fade, the campaign will call on people to "get prepared" during the months of September to April.

The agency will be urging the public to:

* Find out if you are at risk from flooding by calling Floodline on 0845 988 1188 or looking at the website at;

* Keep a list of useful numbers to hand your council, emergency services, insurance company and Floodline;

* Buy sandbags or floorboards to block doors and airbricks and remember to ensure there is adequate ventilation. In an emergency, make them using old pillow cases, carrier bags or even tights filled with sand or earth;

* Prepare a flood plan think about what you and your family would do and what you might need in the event of a flood;

* Make up a flood kit include a torch, blankets, waterproof clothing, Wellingtons, a portable radio, first aid kit, rubber gloves and key personal documents.

Updated: 08:42 Monday, September 03, 2001