IMAGINATIVE ideas from young people or young people's groups in a York suburb could qualify for a £5,000 Youth Fund cash pot.

Applications for all sorts of projects or ideas are being invited, with the one impressing the Strensall Ward Committee the most taking the money.

The cash comes from the ward committee's budget, and its members will vote on the ideas at a meeting in November.

Similar schemes have already worked well across York, with a group of young people in The Groves successfully applying to the Guildhall Ward Committee for more money to clean the streets. Other ideas that have been put forward include cash to fund skate facilities, research projects and youth shelters.

Charlotte Pell, City of York Council neighbourhood co-ordinator, said: "Every application will be summarised on to the agenda for the November meeting before being voted on.

"The money could be divided between a number of projects, it depends on how much they would cost.

"If the project with the most votes costs £5,000 though, then that one will probably get it. The voting doesn't come until November though. For now, we just want as many people as possible to submit ideas."

The Youth Fund scheme is explained in the latest newsletter from the Strensall Ward Committee.

But Charlotte said: "We realise that young people may not hear about the Youth Fund that way.

"Traditionally, they don't contact us or youth workers as a result of meeting agendas or official council releases. If young people do get in touch with us as a result of that, then great, but we would also welcome applications from groups or organisations that represent young people.

"The ward committee want to make sure some of their budget was committed to being spent on young people, rather than all on the village hall or street lighting.

"Doing it this way has been successful elsewhere. We hope it can be a success in Strensall as well."

For details, ring Charlotte on 01904 552039, or email

Updated: 11:26 Wednesday, September 05, 2001