VETS serving North and East Yorkshire from a practice based at Stamford Bridge have had to expand their business to cope with rising demand - and rising floodwaters.

The Battle Flatts Veterinary Practice operates from Stamford Bridge and Strensall, near York.

But vets in Stamford Bridge say overcrowding is bringing such long queues to the practice there that they have had to open another surgery in Kilnwick Road, Pocklington.

Matthew Brash, one of the Battle Flatts vets, says the new surgery should also help people who struggled last November to get their pets through the deep floods that afflicted Stamford Bridge.

The new Pocklington base opened for business on Monday, but an official opening will be performed when BBC television vet Trude Mostue attends an open day there.

Visitors are welcome at the event, from noon until about 4pm on Saturday, when the vets aim to give an insight into the treatment of animals of all ages and sizes.

Updated: 11:24 Wednesday, September 05, 2001