IN the aftermath of the heart-rending suffering of the American people, my thoughts are with them and also all victims of terrorism sought by those who use the bomb instead of the ballot box.

The victims of the IRA, ETA, and all such terrorist organisations, have experienced the same loss of their loved ones presently experienced by the American people.

While this is on such a vast scale, the suffering is no more than each individual will have experienced than those people of Omagh.

As an ex-8th Army veteran I witnessed the suffering of Dunkirk, and the French civilisations under the onslaught of German troops and bombers.

Working with our American allies, from the comparative safety of our combined observation post, I witnessed the revenge we took on houses and cities of Sicily and Italy and the non-combatants caught up in that onslaught.

I now have a conscience over killing a fly, and I wonder if those misguided Americans who sponsored arms for the IRA have also realised what horrors they have helped to perpetrate?

It is time for all those in Ireland, Spain and all democratic countries to further their cause through the ballot box, instead of the bomb whether their cause is religious, territorial, or political.

They do not further their aims by inflicting suffering on innocent families.

It is now time for all terrorist leaders to resolve violence in the light of this American catastrophe and persue their cause by legitimate means.

Ken Garside,

Heworth Green,


...AS an American who has lived in York for 18 years, I wish to express my deep appreciation of the British people for their amazing support for the United States and its people after the unspeakable events of last week.

It has been extremely moving to see sights on the TV such as the Queen attending the service at St Paul's last Friday and York firemen collecting money for US outrage victims.

In our time of grief and sorrow it is a comfort to know we have such strong support from the people of Britain.

I understand that 'special relationship' a little better now.

S Crosby,

Manor Drive North,

Acomb, York.

...I thank the people and leaders of the UK for their support of America and Americans.

The mood is very gloomy over here. Next to more terrorism, the thing people fear most is that we must fight this scourge alone.

The one shining light in this regard has been the unqualified support of the British people.

I fear we have no allies, save the brave British, who are just as committed as our enemies.

Timothy Hargadon



...I AM writing this e-mail from Sydney. I first heard about the tragic happenings in New York a week yesterday at 23.45 our time. I was listening local radio, then turned on the TV. Then I clicked on to the Evening Press website,

Your coverage was in print minutes before our local TV screened reports.

That aside, having visited York to see my parents at Christmas for the pastthree years, I have been interested in getting York updates on a regular basis.

I have been moved by many things during the last few days.

However, one of your reports, about the York firefighters collecting funds in city pubs of York - passing the boot around - made me really proud, because these same people helped my mum and dad during last year's floods.

They are simply "made of the right stuff". It is a case of Old York helping their mates in New York. Well done, from your friends in Oz.

Dave Hutt,



Updated: 10:26 Wednesday, September 19, 2001