WEDDINGS are always family affairs, but the phrase took on a new meaning for one proud York clan - leading a wedding service today was the bride's step-grandmother.

It all came about after Jane Whitehead, stepmother of Clifton Moor resident Mandy Wadsworth, was ordained three years ago.

Then, when Mandy's daughter Sam decided to marry longtime sweetheart Lee Irvine, she decided "the only person I wanted to marry us was Jane."

Jane, a curate, was given permission by her boss, the Bishop of Lincoln, and the couple were tying the knot today at St Mary's Church, Thirsk.

Sam, 21, said: "I thought it would make the day that bit more personal if a family member could marry us - I don't suppose many people get that chance."

Updated: 09:35 Saturday, October 06, 2001