The world first became aware of the Taliban in 1994 when they were appointed by Pakistan to protect a convoy trying to open up a trade route between Pakistan and Central Asia

* The group made up of Afghans trained in Pakistani religious schools and former Islamic fighters drove away the mujahedin that attacked the convoy. They then took Kandahar, beginning a remarkable advance which led to their capture of the capital, Kabul, in 1996

* With 90 per cent of the country now under their control, the Taliban has pressed ahead with their aim to set up the world's most pure Islamic state

* At least 15 people were executed in public during 2000 according to Amnesty International. One of them was a woman stoned to death

* Supposed criminals can be shot in the back of the head or hanged in front of crowds at Kabul's football stadiums

* Public executions are one of the few events which women are allowed to attend

* There were at least five "judicial" amputations, and over a dozen floggings in 2000

* Frivolities like television, music and cinema are banned

* Men must grow beards and women must wear a veil at all times or face a lashing

* Girls are forbidden to attend school and the only jobs available to women are in the health sector

* Taxi drivers are forbidden from transporting women without a male relative accompanying them

* Young women living in areas captured by the Taliban in the north of the country were reportedly abducted by guards and taken against their will as "wives" for Taliban commanders

* Hindus, who make up just one per cent of the country's population, must wear a yellow badge on their clothing

* The fate of hundreds, possibly thousands, of Afghans and dozens of non-Afghans reportedly detained by the Taliban regime remain unknown

Updated: 09:49 Monday, October 08, 2001