COUNCIL tax in Ryedale is set to rise by ten per cent next year.

The increase is being blamed on an expected inflation rise and recession following the September 11 terror attacks, salary increases for council staff and a £40,000 rise in councillors' expenses.

John Patten, Ryedale District Council's deputy chief executive and director of resources, said it was likely there would be similar rises in North Yorkshire County Council's council tax demand.

In his report, to go before Ryedale councillors tomorrow, Mr Patten says: "Inflation in the UK of about 2.6 per cent will be affected by the uncertainty displayed by world markets following the terrorist attack in America. It seems likely an improvement will be required to the existing concessionary travel scheme - I have pencilled in a figure of £70,000."

Some of the biggest increases will come from plans to increase the salaries of council staff - at a cost of £50,000 - and councillors' allowances - a £40,000 rise.

Updated: 11:02 Wednesday, October 24, 2001